It is here to help anyone that needs help and support them financially or with advice through the toughest of times. The SJC is supported by those that can in the trade to help those that need a hand.
Graham's Story
Testimonials from Grantees
“You have made me cry Julie, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness.”
“Wow, I’m so grateful. Thank you so much. That’s amazing, I’m so humbled by the support from the industry.”
“That’s really fantastic news, thank you so much. This will be a big help to me, everything is so uncertain at the moment but let’s hope for some clarity and improvement soon. I have pledged to help others in need where I can and I hope to be able to attend one of your events in the future.”
“Thank you, Julie, this is very much appreciated and means so much in this uncertain time where we are all feeling the strain.”
“It’s hard to put into words how appreciative I feel for this support. After working all hours and hanging on to breaking point through the pandemic, I honestly felt like I was going to have to close my business after 17 years and just admit defeat. Having a baby just before lockdown had left me ineligible for the fair assessment with government grants and I felt like I was just falling through the cracks and failing. The contact, support and empathy was not only swift, but truly heartfelt and knowing someone was finally fighting on my behalf and trying to keep us going was so humbling. Thank you, so very much, from our little business and family.”
“That is amazing news! Thanks a lot, it is highly appreciated. I would love to attend one of your events in the future. Hopefully we can all go back to trading as before and keep being creative.”
“I really cannot thank you and the charity enough for the money which will make a huge difference to mine and my family’s current life.
It is the first time in my life I have had to seek help and to be honest you have been the first people who made things happen when I really needed it and haven’t made me feel like I’ve done something wrong. I hope to be able to raise money for you when I am back on my feet and able to support myself. Please pass my thanks on to all concerned. I am extremely grateful for this help and it might just keep me afloat. I hope you, your colleagues and families keep safe and well. Let’s hope things improve for us all soon. You have no idea how much this means to me.”
“Thank you so much that wonderful news! It makes me feel very grateful and proud to be part of the Jewellery Community here. I really love what I do and feel passionate about preserving our industry.”
“I would just like to extend my deepest thanks towards the Silversmith & Jeweller’s Charity and the donors’ support at such times as these.”
“That’s great news and honestly a big relief, thank you!”
“I’m delighted to talk to you about it, so that the people out there who donate, will understand how good the work is that they do. It’s absolutely crucial to people like me, and I’m forever grateful.”
“I’m lost for words. Thank you so, so, much, this will make such a huge difference to me and take a huge amount of worry off my shoulders.”